Personal Branding: Myths and Truths 

Personal branding has been a buzzword since Tom Peters’ iconic article “The Brand Called You”  (Fast Company, 1997). Yet, many leaders remain unsure about personal branding—some dismiss it as unnecessary, while others interpret it to mean being inauthentic. 

Let’s debunk the three most common myths: 

Your job title, income, or lifestyle doesn’t define your brand. These external elements are part of your story, but not what defines you. Your true personal brand comes from who you are at your core—your values, beliefs, and character. 

It is demonstrated in how you show up and treat others, no matter the circumstance.  

Faking it doesn’t work. People sense inauthenticity, and it diminishes your ability to form trust. For example, Lance Armstrong’s fall from grace wasn’t about his achievements but his refusal to own his truth. 

Authenticity builds trust. Embrace your strengths and own your missteps—it’s how you gain respect and credibility. 

Dictating your brand doesn’t gain the confidence of others. Statements like “I’m a great boss” often raises doubts. Instead, let your actions and the stories you share highlight the qualities you want to be known for.  

Stories can naturally demonstrate your values and build your reputation. 

Your personal brand is a promise—a reflection of your authentic self that comes to life through how you live and lead. Be intentional, be authentic, and let your story unfold naturally. Your choice! 

Align yourself with what matters most to you. Live your brand fully expressed with intention and purpose to play bigger! 

Are you interested in having a conversation to explore how you can define your personal brand and accelerate your growth as a leader, individually or as a team? Send an email to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

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When did you last step away from your daily routine to think about the impact you have as a leader?

Imagine acquiring the tools to access the most direct path to being fully aligned with the best of who you are. Gain clarity in how you show up by choice and discover what consistently holds you back. Learn the key to mastering your inner game and achieving the outcomes you desire.

Being intentional about who you are elevates how you show up and the experience you create for others. The goal is not doing more; it is being more mindful! Yet, most don’t even consider it.

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