A Simple Practice to Increase Engagement

A client recently expressed satisfaction with his team’s efforts in developing a new business strategy. He praised their creativity and commitment to finding the best solution. I could sense his pride, though I noticed his omission of a simple practice to increase engagement.

I asked if he shared how he felt with his team. His response was silence. Before the end of that day, he sent an email expressing his appreciation for his team’s effort and how well they did. He also committed to letting them know in person.

Implementing this simple practice of appreciation goes a long way in having your team feel you care about them as people, not just what they are able to deliver. In a high turnover, resource-stretched environment, people are more likely to stay if they feel seen and appreciated.

Recognition is a powerful motivator and inspires people to give their best. It also reinforces your leadership style and how you become known as a leader.

According to a worldwide study conducted by Towers Watson in 2007-2008, the highest driver of engagement is whether employees feel their managers or leaders are interested in their wellbeing. Less than 40% of employees felt engaged. Today, that number is even higher.

Appreciating is recognizing and acknowledging what is good. It reinforces the fact that you care about your team as people. Appreciation should never be assumed.

I delivered a Personal Brand Mastery session to a leadership team that worked together for about seven years. I asked them each to share something personal about themselves that others wouldn’t already know. I thought this would be challenging because they’ve known each other for so long. Much to my surprise, it wasn’t. They never really shared at a more personal level.

This simple exchange of sharing something personal opened a deeper level of appreciation and conversation within the group. They all became more animated and engaged as the day evolved. This one exercise changed the dynamics of how the team acknowledged and worked together moving forward.

People want to be seen as a person and know that others care.

It bears mentioning that expressing appreciation once isn’t enough; it needs to be on repeat. Let’s say one of your personal brand descriptors (how you want to be known) is ‘considerate.’ This label doesn’t stick if you hold the door open for someone once. It sticks if you are consistent in being considerate.

Appreciation needs to be extended consistently to have people know that you care. It can include small wins (showing up for the meeting on time) and big wins (completing the project on time and under budget).

Looking to develop high performers? There is a ratio that was discovered in a study conducted in 1999 by Marcial Losada, who is a Chilean psychologist and consultant. The magic ratio for high performance is five expressions of positive feedback to one expression of negative feedback.

Why aren’t we giving positive feedback or expressing appreciation more often? Why does it sometimes feel awkward or forced?

The most obvious answer is we are not fluent in practicing appreciation. We have become so accustomed to speaking to what doesn’t work or addressing the problems that we stopped taking that one extra step to say, ‘Thank you!’

To help you incorporate appreciation into your daily activities, here are seven practical ideas you can implement as a leader to immediately create a higher level of engagement:

  1. Begin meetings by sharing accomplishments before tackling the to-do list and problems. Have everyone share what has gone well first. This will shift the energy for the balance of the meeting and have your team be more open to what comes next.
  2. Stay committed to your one-on-one meetings even when there are no problems to discuss. This time provides a great opportunity to talk about what the person is doing well and learn more about him/her personally. Honouring your meeting times makes employees feel valued. (The top frustration I hear from leaders is the cancellation of one-on-one meetings.)
  3. When a team member exceeds expectations, reach out to him/her and extend your appreciation. An email can work if you are not physically there, although in person is always more meaningful. A phone call is a close second. 😉 What you appreciate grows.
  4. Repeat a private acknowledgement for a job well done publicly in a group setting when appropriate. This boosts self-esteem and confidence. It also reinforces the value and significance of the people you are acknowledging.
  5. When closing a meeting, express your appreciation for everyone’s commitment to the project and their contribution to moving it forward — a small gesture with a huge payback.
  6. When you notice positive changes in a colleague’s leadership style, let him/her know. Especially if you know they are attending training sessions or are engaged in coaching. Reinforcement creates sustainability.
  7. Ask others what they care about. If you find out they played in a tournament over the weekend or participated in a run for cancer, ask them about it. Genuine interest makes them feel cared about and frees them up to do their best work.

Over the next thirty days, commit to expressing appreciation a minimum of five times daily. Notice what happens when you do this for others and yourself.

As you make it part of your daily practice, you’ll find it feeling more natural and doing it more often. When you focus on ways to express appreciation, how you view and see the world around you will begin to change.

Align yourself with what matters most to you. Live your brand fully expressed with intention and purpose to play bigger!

Are you interested in having a conversation to explore how you can define your personal brand and accelerate your growth as a leader, individually or as a team? Send an email to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation.

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When did you last step away from your daily routine to think about the impact you have as a leader?

Imagine acquiring the tools to access the most direct path to being fully aligned with the best of who you are. Gain clarity in how you show up by choice and discover what consistently holds you back. Learn the key to mastering your inner game and achieving the outcomes you desire.

Being intentional about who you are elevates how you show up and the experience you create for others. The goal is not doing more; it is being more mindful! Yet, most don’t even consider it.

Next Step

Ready to implement a model that elevates your leaders and has them taking ownership of who they are and the results they achieve? Interested in creating the environment that puts people first to increase engagement, build trust and improve how business gets done?