Author Archive

Dorothy Lazovik

Dorothy is on a mission to shift the culture of organizations to people first! Supporting leaders in fulfilling their TO BE LIST to better deliver on their TO DO LIST. Doing the work impacts how leaders see themselves, the people they lead, the environment they create and the outcomes they achieve. Producing higher engagement, ownership and productivity. How would making a change like this elevate your business results?

To Change Your World, Change Your Mind

Ten best practices

As you work to improve your leadership style and be more aligned with your personal brand, have you ever considered how your self-image affects your overall success?

The late Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a well-known plastic surgeon and author of Psycho Cybernetics stated…

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Five Performance Enhancing Moves For Work To Feel More Like Play

Ten best practices

Both coaches and players have rules to follow. But sometimes, just the notion of rules makes us want to break them. Leaders need to start looking at them differently. Rules provide a clear structure allowing you to take risks and personalize your style of play. When you drop the resistance and stop seeing parameters as restrictive, that is when the magic happens. It frees the mind to focus on what matters and keeps you from depleting your energy.

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Mindset Creep That Knocks You Out of The Zone

You are cruising along in your happy place for weeks, months even, feeling gratitude and engaged in doing what you love. Life is good and it is hard to imagine how it gets better. Then BAM!!! You are knocked right out of that zone!

You feel frustrated and agitated with things that wouldn’t typically bother you. You’re feeling off but can’t quite put your finger on what it is.

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Authentic Leaders Edge

Next Step

Ready to implement a model that elevates your leaders and has them taking ownership of who they are and the results they achieve? Interested in creating the environment that puts people first to increase engagement, build trust and improve how business gets done?

Let’s start a conversation. It will give you the opportunity to get your questions answered and understand if it is a good fit for you, your leaders or organization.