Personal Brand Executive Coaching – Individual

Imagine a customized framework that helps you be your best and achieve what matters most. Personal Brand Executive Coaching will help you own who you are as a person, show up more confidently as a leader and get more done with less effort. Identifying what holds you back so you can significantly move the needle and be that indispensible leader at the table.

If you are a leader who…

  • knows what you want though not sure how to get there
  • is transitioning from managing into a leadership role
  • wants to gain greater traction in the role you have
  • is frustrated by not being invited to have a seat at the table
  • feels challenged in setting healthy boundaries
  • is uncertain how to confidently share the value only you can bring
  • finds yourself hesitating when you need to take decisive action
  • is shy about promoting your accomplishments or find it self-serving
  • avoids the difficult conversations
  • is tired of being overlooked for that next role.

    ….you may be ready to invest in yourself.

Consider how it would feel to

  • feel more confident in who you are and how you show up
  • increase your awareness and visibility
  • position your value and credibility
  • accomplish more with less effort
  • graciously empower others

Accelerate YOUR CHANGE

If you imagine yourself one year from now, where do you see yourself? Coaching supports you in gaining clarity and accelerating change. It will help you see what you can’t and do what you haven’t on your own. It will support you to show up being the leader you admire and achieve what matters most to you.  


Change requires a commitment. You will need to reserve time for yourself, as a leader, to grow as a person. Being busy is a constant so getting support in stripping away distractions, taking control of how you show up, mastering your inner game and developing the strategies to unapologetically show up as your best self is worth your time. You have it in you! Every successful athlete, entrepreneur and executive, makes the investment to elevate their state of being, stretch their way of thinking and implement the new habits in pursuit of being their best self. You don’t have to do it alone.      


Coaching gives you honest and immediate feedback. Accountability when you need it most. Provides the right tools to eliminate habits that no longer support you and put in place the ones that do. Is a confidential and objective sounding board with no judgement. You do the work and are held accountable to your commitments.

Are you ready to invest in yourself and play a bigger game?

Real World Results

Wins that clients were able to produce with clarity, focus and greater confidence.
  • Shifted perceptions and increased ability to influence without authority to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Transitioned from self-centered to people centric within four months and continues to gain positive traction.
  • Communicate and think in a way that is consistent with a leaders core values. Providing the opportunity to do more meaningful work and create a greater impact.
  • Achieved 35% to 50% increase in revenues each quarter for two years.
  • Achieved a 65% increase in sales the first year and 35% the second year.
  • Closed the biggest sale of their career within months of completing the coaching program.
  • Negotiated landing the ideal job for a role that didn’t exist before.
  • Received three promotions in eighteen months.

We will custom tailor a Personal Brand Coaching package that will give you the support you need to get the results you want! We believe the starting point with a leader is investing enough time to build a solid foundation then take a step back to determine what is needed next. The minimum commitment is four months.

Authentic Leaders Edge

Next Step

Ready to implement a model that elevates your leaders and has them taking ownership of who they are and the results they achieve? Interested in creating the environment that puts people first to increase engagement, build trust and improve how business gets done?

Let’s start a conversation. It will give you the opportunity to get your questions answered and understand if it is a good fit for you, your leaders or organization.