Author Archive

Dorothy Lazovik

Dorothy is on a mission to shift the culture of organizations to people first! Supporting leaders in fulfilling their TO BE LIST to better deliver on their TO DO LIST. Doing the work impacts how leaders see themselves, the people they lead, the environment they create and the outcomes they achieve. Producing higher engagement, ownership and productivity. How would making a change like this elevate your business results?

You Asked BUT Are You Willing to Do It?

A recent workshop participant of mine shared that he had been asking his colleagues for feedback about the image he was conveying at work. He decided he wanted to be more strategic in creating the brand impression he intended. To determine what adjustments he might need to make, the best thing for him was to ask the people who saw him daily.

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Take Your Fear….

I spent last weekend immersed in a course entitled “Get Out of Your Own Way” that has me feeling recharged and invigorated about life. Having a different perspective of expanding on who I am inspires me and taking fear, that shows up in my life, along for the ride feels empowering.

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What To Wear When….

As a new leader, it is so exciting to be heading off to your first major conference.  You will be interacting with other leaders in your industry, perhaps from all over the world! You are bound to be a bit nervous although also looking forward to making connections. And of course, you definitely want to make a good first impression.

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Ten Best Practices to Stay Centered When Surrounded By Chaos

Ten best practicesWe have all said it: “I need more time.”

Knowing there are twenty-four hours we get in a day, it is essential to think of the hacks that will provide you with more of what you need. This requires discipline in blocking time to think!

David Allen, a productivity consultant who is best known for his book, Getting Things Done said, “The problem isn’t time… it’s space.”

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Authentic Leaders Edge

Next Step

Ready to implement a model that elevates your leaders and has them taking ownership of who they are and the results they achieve? Interested in creating the environment that puts people first to increase engagement, build trust and improve how business gets done?

Let’s start a conversation. It will give you the opportunity to get your questions answered and understand if it is a good fit for you, your leaders or organization.