Posts Tagged ‘personal brand’

Feedback You Get Thanked For – Good or Bad!


Feedback is one of those things that is not typically sought out and is often dreaded. What if you could learn to ask for feedback that was actually constructive? AND what if you could learn to give feedback that others actually wanted to listen to? Good or bad!

If you are an aspiring leader who wants to grow and improve, asking for feedback is essential to your growth and giving constructive feedback will help others grow.

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Why Practicing Appreciation Matters

Why practicing

Recently I was engaged in a discussion with a leader about the lack of effort made to express appreciation in the workplace. “Really, someone can’t walk down the hall to express appreciation, they send an email!” So the point isn’t just that you express appreciation, it is how you make someone feel.

The truth is we all know what she is talking about.

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What Does Your Name Bring to Mind?

What does your name

Companies invest a lot of time, money and energy into building their brands. They want you to have a certain experience with their products. Take a moment to consider popular consumer products that are in the same category and what thoughts they bring to mind…

  • Apple versus Microsoft
  • Rolex versus Timex
  • BMW versus Ford
  • Godiva versus Hershey

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What Does Your Handshake Say About You?

What does your handshake

Like it or not, every day, with every interaction, you are creating an impression. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Is it the one that I want?”

Don’t let your personal brand happen by default! You are the director of your life and career. Be strategic and decide on the impression you want to make.

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Making Your Personal Brand a Priority

Why do certain tasks make it to the top of your ‘to-do’ list? What makes them important enough to deserve your time, energy and focus?

For me, it’s deciding that the task is important and I am clear about what the benefits are for me in making it a priority.

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Stories That Showcase Your Personal Brand


When the people around you, your colleagues, boss and direct reports can’t see into the core of who you are, how do they know your character and personal brand?

Your personal brand – generated by your internal operating system, the intangible elements of your personality – does show up without your having to wear a sign. They are revealed in your actions, the words you use and how you present yourself.

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Five Tips to Conquer The Communication Gap

Five tips

Have you ever stopped to think about your communication style and the impact it has on you and your personal brand?

Do you often run on autopilot just falling into conversational habits? Many times not even tuned into the words you are using and how your message is being received. You are more focused on getting your message out and being heard than really making a connection and creating an experience for the other person.

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Authentic Leaders Edge

Next Step

Ready to implement a model that elevates your leaders and has them taking ownership of who they are and the results they achieve? Interested in creating the environment that puts people first to increase engagement, build trust and improve how business gets done?

Let’s start a conversation. It will give you the opportunity to get your questions answered and understand if it is a good fit for you, your leaders or organization.