Use the Mirror
The mirror is a powerful tool!
I know you typically think about using the mirror to fix yourself up or check yourself out. Although, you can also use the mirror to build your self-esteem and confidence.
I work with women who have experienced violence and witnessed amazing transformations when using the mirror as a tool (Psst, it works with clients too).
The process I take them through is:
- Write a list of fifteen qualities and characteristics they love about themselves.
- Stand in front of the mirror either first thing in the morning or the last thing at night before they go to bed.
- Look yourself in the eyes and repeat your qualities and characteristics in the present. “I am….”
- Continue to look at yourself, take it in and breathe.
The women report that at first it is challenging and feels silly. Sometimes they laugh and sometimes they cry. Then they get past that and find themselves repeating these words when they are on the bus or walking to get their kids from school. It lifts their spirits and shifts their energy. This creates a powerful transformation that has a positive domino effect in all areas of their lives.
Want to boost your confidence? Need to get better at accepting praise for a job well done? Want to be more self-assured when presenting to a group?
I have used this technique myself to practice gracefully saying thank you when someone pays me a compliment. I use to find it difficult to accept a compliment. I would look away, dismiss it or blush! Now I maintain eye contact and have no problem accepting praise.
I have also used the mirror technique when practicing speeches. In the book, The Magic of Believing (originally published in 1948), the author, Claude M. Bristol, shares that Winston Churchill never gave an important speech before delivering it to a mirror first.
Discover what you would like to feel more confident about, use the mirror technique and share your results.
Align yourself with what matters most to you. Live your brand fully expressed with intention and purpose to play bigger!
Are you interested in having a conversation to explore how you can define your personal brand and accelerate your growth as a leader, individually or as a team? Send an e-mail to book a complimentary 30-minute consultation.